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Works and Publications


Why Travel? - Understanding Our Need to Move and How It Shapes Our Lives

A 336-page book edited by Kris and Matthew Niblett which argues that the desire to move is a purpose in itself.


Transport-related social exclusion in the North of England

A 110-page PDF report focusing on the causes, consequences, and extent
of transport-related social exclusion (TRSE) in the North of England. 


Drinking among British Women and its impact on their pedestrian and driving activities

A 120-page PDF report derived from a survey undertaken in 2013 to explore some
key issues identified in the 2012 literature review, produced by the same
authors, and commissioned by the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund.


Paying for Roads and Road Use

A 68-page PDF report  commissioned by the ITC as part of their project investigating reform of paying
for roads and road use in the UK.


On the Move: Exploring attitudes to road and rail travel in Britain

An 86-page PDF report with its  origin in the desire to understand changing patterns of road and rail travel behaviour
in Britain.

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